Self-study programs with Jungian psychoanalyst Kathleen Wiley to empower you to live more fully in conscious connection to God within!
Each 6-month spiral of the circle provides
- Self-paced, independent, experiential learning opportunities
- Guidance for connecting with your innate Divine wisdom and living authentically
- Access to a supportive community to uplift, motivate, and inspire your learning through bi-monthly Zoom meetings, a private community forum within the portal and more!
- Monthly training modules with a video, audio and transcript of the video, and play-sheet (the last 3 are available for download)
Join through two membership options:
- $347 for the 6-month Essential Embodiment Processes spiral
- $647 forĀ yearly membership (2 spirals) Ā
Essential Embodiment Practices is the starting point. Once you complete that circle, you can move on to Fundamental Embodiment Processes.
Register now for Essential Embodiment PracticesDetails of the Four Spirals
Spiral 1
Essential Embodiment Practices
Cultivate six body-focused practices designed to increase conscious awareness and healthy relationship to yourself.
- Body awareness: Develop sensitivity and self-awareness of subtle sensations, emotions, feelings, and impulses.
- Relaxation: Facilitate the flow of your essence.
- Rhythmic breathing: Influence and channel the energies that flow through you.
- Mind awareness: Develop the part of your psyche that sees and observes your thoughts and how they affect your body.
- Concentration: Place your attention where it's needed to develop your authentic self.
- Developing the will: Align with your life force’s flow.
Spiral 2
Fundamental Embodiment Processes 1-6
Building on the Essential Embodiment Practices, we'll consciously dance with the alchemical processes of individuation:
- Calcination: The Drying Out of Volatile Emotions and Erroneous Beliefs
- Congelation: Creative Imagination Yields New Patterns and Forms
- Fixation: Right Relationship Between Levels of Consciousness
- Separation: A New Definition of Self
- Digestion: Extracting Psychic Energy from Form
- Distillation: Accessing the Essence
Spiral 3
Fundamental Embodiment Processes 7-12
Continuing to build on the Fundamental Embodiment Processes:
- Sublimation: Bringing our Heart’s Desires to Consciousness
- Putrefaction: Death of the Falsehood of Ego Independence
- Incineration: Knowing All is God Within/the Self
- Fermentation: The Leaven of the Holy Guardian Angel
- Dissolution: New Bodily Awareness
- Multiplication: Ongoing Embodiment of the New
Spiral 4
All-Inclusive Embodiment Principles
Deepen your connection to yourself, Self, and others with understanding the workings of psyche via alchemical principles.
- The Self/God Within is in All—Every complex has a seed of the Self
- "As within, so without."—The world shows us our face
- Vibration—Everything is in motion
- Polarity—Everything exists with its opposite
- Rhythm—Energy moves between poles
- Causation—Everything has an origin
- Gender operates on all planes—Masculine (Dynamic penetrating) and feminine (Magnetic receptive) poles connect for the flow of energy